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Friday 16 November 2007
♥ 07:06


relink, TAG & comment.
thanks :D
and give me yr links yea, i'm linking ppl.
thanks again, loveee! (:

th reason for new blog.
No more emo, alr, seriously.
New posts, and everything.
Dont wish for those unhappy days alr.
So yups. Hahahaha, ^^
Ppl please tag more yups?
Hahahahha. (:
Thanks ehhs.love you all. ^^

♥ 05:15

changing blog layout.
and url too.
keep tags coming! (:

Wednesday 14 November 2007
♥ 05:28

no more emo. (:
Haha. Been very.. unlike me last few days.
But nvminds. Th happy meiying is here! ;D
Cos I'm seriously not going to chup anything life throws at me.
Until it gets btr, haha. Even so life's kind of getting btr these days alr!
So definitely no reason to be saddd)))))))))): hahahahha. yeah.
MUST.BE.HAPPY. like you said, heex.
onemonth&tendays, and still going strong. (:
at least, i hope i'm, ^^ .

Class '06 gathering soon! Haha, I nber rly was a class type of person
during pri sch, so yeah. But I'll be loking forward to seeing them Ginny' meih and all!
Hahahaha. After all, they are crazy retards which made pri sch well. crazy. haha.
Of course alot not from my class de lah, doo-h~
Okok. Think we're like having a bbq by th beach i think! oh yeah, hahas.
Shud be fun bahs? Anw. yeah.

STILL. rotting at home still!
ytd went with shan jianyou xiongzhi kaili glen yuanshen , th normal people lohs.
Hahahahaha, cos everytime we go out, its these ppl. so yeah.
Went to watch The Game Plan.
I like it, haha. Its okay lah, quite funny but not like those retarded movies etc.
balls of fury -.- it has a meaning lahs, heex. overall, still ok ar.
was bloody cold and needed to pee during th movie :X
But aft tt we went WS arcade. again, haha.
everytime we go out, jiu shi go movie, thn arcade. Go until sian sehs.
But I like th piakpiakpiak thingy. Dono what bishibashi i think.
& th bball thing & th racing thing. Yups.
Thn at th daytona tht side ryts, have this little malay boy i think ard 6.
Wlaos, he sibeh pro cans!
Raced with th 3 or 4 of them, and he's quite good ehs!
Thn this malay skinnies guy ard i dono, 19? came and raced with him.
And he lost, can you imagine lahs. Lost to this.. small person who's smaller thn him
by more thn twice his own age, like kampua paiseh cans!
Yups thn YS finally got his sth sth membership.
After spending so much @ th arcades.
Thn soon aft Shan went to change and everybody left,
& I pei-ed Shan to take 29 to her chalet thing thn I walked hme.
Bathed thn fa dai-ed.

And today simply was a pig day man, =="
woke up ate and having nth to do, went to slp!
until like 5 plus liddat, i think tonight i cant slp alr T.T
lols ryt.
okok, enddddd. (:

Things I want to do this holiday ! { I'm incredibly bored, obviously =="} :
1) Meet up w/ all th people I wanna meet with.
MUFFIN!' mnklld' tps ppl' nowelle' yunsuan' xinwei' charis' josephine'
xiaodannnnnn! ' kinting ! ' plus lots. (:

2) Reduced to 38 kg hopefully and STAY THR.-.-

3) Somehow, get to th reunion thingy if I can. lols.

4) Get those:
- black/grey/white (skinnies?)
-ink bag
- cut my stupid hair again -.-
- blackmonkeytank!
- lil miss tee @ zara. normal lil miss tee is so cliche can! XD
- alot alot mre lahs! at th mmnt can think of any (:

5) SOMEHOW, see you, hahahahaha. ^_________^

6) $ ! Seriously. ;D;D I'm overspending :X

7) Get things straightened out!~ ( or my hair starightened out, come to think of it )

8) New blog url & layout. Gods, i'm so tired of this layout mans. But I'm lazy! :X

9) Watch sunrise :X

10) Bugis , Marina , CentralsMINIDONUTS! , vivo? , PS , cathay. yups! (: anybody? ^^

Yeahs, thats all I can think of ryt now lahs. heex! ;D;D


Lols? So thts your reason lahs.
I've to admit its kinda lame lah. But thn again, i like it, simple hahahah.
Sadly, fyi, I am not! 100% not! So dont be surprise, cos I told you alr.
Hahahahaha. Ok lah. If you are rly ders, thn by all means, I'm fine with it, hoho.
end of story, dont argue w/ me.
& you know what?
You forgot to ask me what's mine, wahahahahahha. Retarded? o.0
Stupidity 's what made you cute, lols!
oh and btw, yr baby pic is zomg bloody cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cans! -faints.
Waahahahahha. (:
Pig,You make me feel xinfu.


Sometimes, I dont have to look into yr face to find true happiness.
Cos I know, thats what friends are for ;D

Sunday 11 November 2007
♥ 02:25

DIED. no, just kidding.
dlted tht post.
no point causing my own heartaches when i can just walk away from it,
pretending i never saw it at all. (:

have not been blogging since chalet, which
I have to say, was a total failure for me, but th whole point is tht
we had a chalet.
and tht was all tht mattered, we'll drop th subject shall we.
Its just yr typical kinda chalet with barbeque and nightgames and stuff, so yeah.
thts all.

been busy with th whole art competition thingy, and yeah,
sad to say, here's th results.
3rd: St. Andrews sec.
2nd: ITE college west.
1st: Bedok South Sec.

ITE's designs were detailed, so i guess they won on tht.
Bedok's designs are.. not all very out of th common, but their models ,
all 6 of them, are like, wthellishly professional, tall, long-legged and absolutely
i'd kill for their legs :X
but i just dont understand, why did st andrews get 3rd?
oh we got merit btw.
like, wth? ok. i admit. maybe eyecandy is cute. ok he is cute ok?
and tht silverjacket guy is ok. tall. but not exactly ugly, not exactly handsome.
just... a little above your normal, average kinda guy.
but tht shinygoldenboy and furjacket-skinnies-skiiing person arent exactly shuai.
and thts th whole point! th designs arent even halfgoodlooking, its just
eyecandy's mask being quite intricate, but thts not enough reason for them to get 3rd!
like, gwhhhhhhhhhhhh/ i think judges just want them to get it cos they're e only
all-boy group. and they need more boys.
ok, whatever.
shall stop going on about standrews. i can go on for hours!

SO thts what i've been busy with.
went lunching with shan and going watch movie with class on tue,
thats about it?
oh, and i went to send KINTINGdearest and bendan on their flight to hongkong today.
i wish i was going to hongkong!
ahahahha. but nvm, i'm going to visit my cousin XiaoDan in Msia I think.
so it aint half bad (:
been kampua boring on days without art or anything at all,
this is madness!
cos on bored days i just sit and rot, and turn into a pigggggggggg! T.T
wahahahaha. alryts. thts all. (:
off to print photos ^^


am i wallowing in self pity, or what/.
each day i see you getting greater and greater and i feel so small,
as in seriously.
i cant get back to th old me, however hard i try.
sadly, you're th only person i can talk about this to, yet this concerns you.
torture, or what?
oh. i pray everythings gets okay.

and zhu! iyo you ar.
pls pls pls dont get imstaken.
again. :X

hahaaha. shall stop making fun of it (:

just feel im not suitable for everything.
just everything.
sigh. gonna miss kinting hell loads. and muffin! :X

Monday 29 October 2007
♥ 04:04

Met up with shan jianyou xiongzhi glen and went Mac eat.
thn went buy some of th chalet things, and went to yuanshen's house
to discuss bout th last station bah.
actually didnt need meet up der.
cos not much to say.
but just kinda like, talked?
yup and left ard 5 bah.
Mum nagging T.T
Thn reached home, home empty.
Sat down, think.
Dowan to think and went to sleep.
Slept till now.
Woke with a heavy head, dry throat and swollen eyes.
And that's all.
Boring me.


A simple hello&goodbye.


If you want like this, thn like this bah.
I dont want a conversation I, just wanna sit and stare at you.
I dont wanna talk about it/.
I wonder does th song have meaning to it or not.
If it doesnt thn. Nvm. It's just a song.
shit my phone ><
I wish it wasnt spoil.
So I at least know what's happening.
Confuse. Dontknow what to do.
Who knows. Maybe you're angry with me.
Iya. Rly rly rly rly sick of this.
Go away go away go away.
Actually, th person at loss is me.
Cos I know I feel more than you.
I'm serious.
So go away.
If. we mean so little to you.


Thn just remember this.


I dont want to know anymore.
Too much information.
Dont like you, go away.


Friday 26 October 2007
♥ 06:02

.. last day of schoool ):
I know this may sound weird coming from a person like me..
but I actually MISS SCHOOL. ):
man, i rly do! Like, its last day of school! Last day of being a beloved ONE-DEE-IAN.
Last day of being sec 1.. I dont want!
I dont want become a senior! I want always sec 1 ! I dont mind being junior lohs...
I want to be forever one-dee!
I want to be forever one-dee!
I want to be FOREVER ONE DEE!
received results today and I dont care what I get.
I just wanted to know what they all got and th possibility to get into same class..
And my total score is like, a bit higher only. thn th lvl position is like so different..
thn eng also... i A2.. but almost everyone I'm close to gets b3/b4..
wlao its like, I dont want!
I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want
I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want
I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want I dont want !
I also want b3.. wtfugggggggggggg )))))))))))))))))))))))):
I'm not being suan lahhhhs -.- I just wanna be same class as all those people,
like mandy belle priscilla weishan rachel glen xiongzhi kaili jianyou dickson yuanshen
and more more more!
i dowan diff class............
sighhhhs ):
I hate me. D:

I miss being pri sch kid.
Like, we might fight over little things, thn we'd write letters to say sorry or stuff
and its like, we always promised each other to be thr fpr each other forever..
bu now I think about it, its was easy to say, difficult to do..
When we had troubles we'd turn to people we trust.
then they comfort us mor thn we'll ever remember and we love tht person cos
they listened.
We all simply needed somebody to listen. Dont we?
We all just needed a little care and people to be caring about us.
Family and friends, was all I needed lahhs.rlyyyyyyyy.


I think its gonna be scary.
Thanks to brainjuice-squeezers:
I will be scared if I take part la.. dont know abt you all..
But since I in charge nightgames..too bad I'm not playing haha.
But should be fun lah.
Must dare okay? jyjy (:

People, please bring yr amulets or crosses or your garlics(for vampire haha)
or whatever.
Please ar. We dont want any unwanted happenings and its btr to bring.
Yes and remember ar..

1. Always always stay in your group and never leave anyone behind
because you never know what may happen

2. Never scream or try to scare anybody(unless you're organiser la) cos they might die
of fright

3. Dont tap anybody unesscessarily( dono how to spell)

4. If you hear your name being called, either dont turn back or turn your whole body

5. If you saw anything out of logic dont look again and if you feel uncomfy tell
your station master or yuanshen. your guide.(:

6. If you think you cannot take th games thn its okay move on to another station

7. ultimately th whole point is for you all to bond as groups and in th end.
as a class.

Actually.. dont you all remember mooncake festival night?
it was really heartwarming to see all of us bonded like tht.. but yes i know
its good to bond.. can dont bond all th time cos we have our own private time..
but please... bond at th right time yeahs?
i will always love one dee.

Lol? Okay lahhhs.
If you say she's a fren, she is. I cant do anything ryts? I'm nt th kind to say,
if you dare anything i slap you .
No I'm not so I kind of like, bochap bochap le.
I care so much for what? It rly hurts more thn you can think ar.
Consider it I'm oranana, orapple or piss or whatever-ly kaypoh or narrowhearted.
I feel disgusted when I see th bloody words, I feeel sickk! EEEEEEEEEEE.
I wanna puke cos th meaning is so there and you cant see it lahh.
Liek, sibeh dulan lah -.-
Consider it I easily piss.
yeah i get piss easily yea so what.
I heck care you alr.
She post let her post post post until she shuang shuang.
Simi lai eh. Not my daiji.
I buaysong my problem lah. No need you care so much.
Or should I say, pretend to care? Whatevr.
I no hiu you liao lah. waste my message only,
I donwant kill myslef and die trying to pay for my phone man.
You say tht its just me lah.
But its okay it wasnt JUST me.
I dont care.
I dont give a damn bodoh.
I dont give a fug tht if you dont anymore.
Yeah man.
SSSSSS sucks to th core.
And I dont give a fugging damn even if she's your fren/
In this case, SSSSSS isnt sherri, or whatever. Arigato. ^_____^

You all want take, take lor.
Take till you shuang.
Not my biz liao.
Want care me jiu care. Dont want care jiu dont care.
I rly v tired.
Sick of pretending I didt see anything.
Sick of acting like I dont give a damn.
Sick of showing it like I dont feel th pain.
I we're not, oh its not WE, its just ME.
If I'm not, THN TELL ME LAH.
I dowan force you all also.
I can survive alone.
You all dowan care jiu tell me lah.. say to my face mahh..
I rly dont want you all forced..
If disbanded tell me lah...
I rly miss th once we had lah.
But I know is all gone.
Because I had different ideas.
Because I didnt go as long with you all.
Because I had others to take care of.
Because you have left me.

Sometimes, I just need to let go, to stop myself from getting hurt all over again.

Monday 22 October 2007
♥ 06:12


Okay today is like... ==" in school cos everything was so
effing boring?
I dont rem anyth we did in sch. 'cept for th stupid talks and HIV things?
Yup and we played cards and kinda slacked th whole day away. lol.
Boring sehhhhhhhh T.T
& Seriously lah.
If everyday also like this might as well dont go school ryts?
What's th point mans, go thr also nth do, ask us go for what,
waste our time and energy to wake up so early go school zo-boh. dotx.

Gawhhhhhhhhh thn aft school went to WS with Shan cos we're basically
had nowhere to go. Eat le, just walk ard and crapping as usual hahahahaha
Shan you good lor!
Bully me!
Hahahahahahhahaha (:
Man. Rachel aint coming to sch for dono how many days TT
Sadded! Less one person to siao with me hahahhaha ;D
Hahahahaha very cute lah. But I'm fat&humongous, guess I'll never fit :X
CLASS CHALET '07. yoyoyoyoyo!

Please think about those three things when you're ready yups?
Cos I know I cant do anything for you I'm rly sorry bout tht, youdontknow,
idontknow but what i know is just be strong even if everything goes wrong (:
ifyoubelieve <3333333'
Dont sad lahhhh, idk what happened but if got anything tell me, we mnklld whats!
and always will stay tht way hahahahhahaha
I think abt yr post ar, halfknow halfdono cos i dono what happened mah,
but promise me to be happy lah kays?
Hahahahhahaha loveeeeee!


I dont care what may happen, even if now you've come and said your part,
I feel myself fading away like its nobody's business.
I go like ewwwwwwwwwww
when I detect 'seductive' acts taking place like RGHT IN FRONT O MY FACE
You go away.
You too popular.
Too many girl like you.
You go away lah you.
Dont like this lah!
Go away go away go away. (:

Its not a today or yesterday or tomorrow thingy.
Its a this week last week next week this month last month next month thing.
I might be needing you.
Like a heart needs a beat.
NONONONONONO! dowan to think about you.
& sadly. it could all be back to pinkumbrellas.
you pro lah you. thanks lah. its rly.dono how to thank you also?
But as I have said. Thanks is good for health! SO.

ok whatever tht was lame^_______________^

yr lame jokes might be lame, retarded spastic whatever,
but when you're bored, everything's funny. (:
Like this for exp.

Xiao Ming: wei she me wo pa lou ti?
Da Ming: dono?
Xiao Ming: Ying wei lou ti yang.

And I was like, o.0 wth leh
hhahahhaha. But laughed like crazy cos th way he say damn cute lah.
Ok nvm.
Replying tag today. ;D

{Tag Replied}

JIANYOU Yeah mans, hahahahhahahaha ^^ SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
%72;ANNA Xie le muffin! loveeeeee ;D
Pris Yeah. ryttttttttttttttttttt. (: cheer it outta yrself first . ^^
LG MEIH Hoho, thanks meih ily! hahahah. xie xie xie xie xie xie :D:D
ANNABELLA yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo! Hahahaha. You too yo. (:
GLEN Yeah hahahhaa .
DICKSON YA LOR. why you nvr come! Hahahahhaha ^_______^
BELLE no need thanks lar. its ying gai de. <3333' :D
RONGX Hahah, liddat lorhs, kinda sian actually haha. ^^
'HUIQI Hahaha, i dont link but when i link i'll link you up yeahs?tkcares! ;D
LG MEIH YEAH its like damn lame but its funny cos its lame. haha o.0 ok whtever hahah
deb YO!!!!!!!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeee (:
BELLE bet its damn alive now. kana spam by jianyou!hahahahah loves! ;D
RONGX Yeah, anything ar, sms me when you got your phone back haha. oh yah
and return jas shirt :X tkcare you! cheer, anything tell me (:
RACHEL(: Hey, its just a stapler hahaha kinda funny how yall misplace but anyway.
its alryt de lah! tkcareeeeeeee (:
BELLE Hahaha, you too orhhhhs! -thinkofbellethinkofbellethinkofbellethinkofbelle- ;D
GLEN okies ^__^
Rachel Chua Hahahahahhahahahhaha cute2! Hahah, alryts (: ilyimy ! ;D
Mandy Erhhhhhh/ Ryttttttttttttt what're you sorry-ing for? Whatever it's you didnt do
anything wrong dont sorry (: and thanks loveeeeeeeee! <333'

Thanks for tagging all this while and helping keep this alive ahhaha
Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee (:


I might need you like a heart needs a beat.
And nope. No more sad songs about leaving or whatever.
RENYIMEN AND JIEGUOLEH rewinds in my mind and nope.
Aint gonna think about you, shifts to back of mind (:
Thinking brings about headaches and whatnots?
Heck care lahs!
Will face everyday with this bright retarded smile on my face and dontcare what you
think! Cos I am happy. Jealous?
Being happy is nice for once. Cos being happy makes me feel... happy!
Hahahahahahhaha ^______________________^

So all you sad people who're down, just to tell you guys tht no matter what happens,
you all must not be beaten by it, must be strong because what cannot kill you,
only makes you stronger, you all must believe that you all will get through this de.
It always gets btr in th end. (:
And even if it dont, everything has a reason and purpose, so try to last through
th process yeah?
Its dedicated to everyone ard me who's been down lately, People, jiayou! ;D
Must smileeeeeeeeeeee!
Because you nver know, accor to you lah,
"smile always.......cos u will nvr noe when a person might be waiting for u to smile in the corner of the earth......^^hahas...... "

Yup. Statement of th post.
Thats all.
Smiles, yo! (:

I promised I wont be unhappy. :D

Thursday 18 October 2007
♥ 06:27

helloyou. ):
Cant take it, rly.

I dont know what's gone wrong.
Idk what's happened and why you're like this.
Can you tell me?
If you wanna end it, say.
Dont dont say anything, quiet quiet thn leave me here hanging.
I dont want cos' of you, I'm tear-ing my ribs out at night.
I dont want cos' of you, I'm trying so hard to wash these thoughts out my mind
to face everyday with a smile.
I dont wan cos' of you, I'm filled with anger,misery,sadness,confusion and dillusions
I want to be th happy me I was before all this happen..

Just be frank with me. If you dont want it, dont force'd yrself.
Tell me. Dont take a silent leave. At least tell me. I'm phsycologically prepared alr.
If you're tired, or you've faded away, I understand, dont think I dont ,thn dont say.
If you want to end tell me, dont be quiet about it,
I'm not th type to cry over it or get pissed or anything like tht. Just tell me.
I'm losing my patience cos you dont tell me anything how'm I supposed to know?
I dont expect you to tell me everything, please just tell me th stuff I need to know.
But if you dont wished to......
thn. I guess. Dont force'd yourself.
I RLY RLY RLY DONT CARE. say only. I say only.
Sigh of course I'd say I dont care ryts.
Cos I dont wish to look like I'd be sad over it.
But seriously...Who wont?
I dont wish to hold on so tight, cos when you let go, I'll fall hard.
So I dont wish to be th one who gets th pain, I dont want to hurt.
At this point, idk what to know and I'm at a loss.
I dont want to lose you.
I dont want to watch your backview as you walk away, further and further away.
Further from all th things you've said to me.

No matter what. Even though I'd doubted so much.
Even though I got angry at times.
There's somehting tht will not change even if everything ended.
And always have, always did and always will.
Thanks D:

Tuesday 16 October 2007
♥ 07:11

not much to say..
I need you so badly ryt now.

♥ 04:21

Pretty frustrated over everything today.
Not what happened lahs.
As in. Everything tht HAD happened and everything just came rushing back.
It sucks. Makes me feel pathetic. =="

Today damn slack @ sch. Watched some french movie during Home.Ecs and I think
it's kinda nice (: But thn agains, Pepinot is uber cuteeeeeeeee! ;D wahahahas ^_+
Yuppppps. And played Cheat/ Dai Di/ Blackjack/ etc etc during free periods. Yeah.
Hahahahahaha. Thn planned th class chalet thingy. I think chalet's gonna be fun.
But everybody please rem to pay yups? ^^ Wahahahah.
Thats all for today. I kinda slacked and sleep in school today till 5 plus?
Idk and dont care. Bus-ed home as it was raining and yeah,
quotes deborah: I'M UMBRELLA-LESS! ;D
Hell yeah. Reached busstop and chiong-ed for bus. Yay, got on and reached home
bathed ate tv-ed and yup. onlined. ^_-
And thats all. ^^ NOW RANTING TIME. ---

Ever since tht day I've been thinking and thinking and thinking. Could it be?
Well heck it if it is thn. Game over man. GAME OVER =="
Seriously. I know I still do. I very well do.
You should know. And if you dont,forget it.
Its just.. 想你有时会缺氧 , 脸红呼吸不正常.
Yups. Its true. I think its unbelievable for you to have said those words to me.
I was all like, me? Of all people, me?
Its like a dream. Really.
But I doubt it. Yeah. If what I thought was true, I dont want like this.
I rather I dont talk to you. And you dont talk to me. Dont say a thing.
And just turn away and pretend I dont know you.
Dont mind th pain. Immune to it alr =="
Sometimes you happy, thn you keep say and say and say and make me so :D
But sometimes dono what happens and you dont say a word. And I'm like.. D:
I rly dont know you. You dont know me well. No. Hell, no.
Yeah, it wasnt meant to hurt like tht, so how, and why?
No dont say those words which dont mean anything now alryts?
Stop saying. Actions speak louder thn words. Show me, dont say it to me!
Urghhhhhhhhhh T.T
Sick of it. Sick of me. Sick of those damn things.
Please. I want to keep on believing tht.. someday. An angel is watching over me.
If you rly are tht angel. ^___________^
Show those wings and let's fly ;D

Man. So what if I arnt perfect?
So what if I have an attitude towards you?
Dont you get your down times?
Dont you get real crappy sometimes?
If you're tht perfect, go flush your damn hair down th toiletbowl=="
Yeah, like hell. If you dared,say it to my face!
You're all, " no you're good you're nice man you rock ! "
in front o' me and behind me you're all
"man that fat bitch she sucks!"
Seriously. If I suck, you suck ****. Yeah.
If I'm fat, its cos I dont weigh myself like every second like a fanatic know?
And I'm proud to be me,yeah I'm fat so what? I dont despise myself. Like you. ^^
Dontknow whoi, keeps saying themself " Aw man I needa lose weight!" Yea man.
If I'm a bytch, man you're tryna say you grew a **** and you're some
bisexual male dog outta some shithole?
Hell, yeah ;D And haha. Well?
I have three words to say to you.

Yeah. alryts.
Having got tht outta my system -.-
End of post. ^^
Love everone who's been taggin and helpin keep this place alive.
More posts. I promise. (:

就算没人鼓掌 , 我也会努力站起来.
你 ---

Wednesday 10 October 2007
♥ 05:45

you know i will, forever. ^^
Firstly, th point of my post is to be high over exam over!
Shall briefly type what happened today/.

Today after school went to Shan house with jy
and changed then us three chionged over
to CS as we were late yup and went to watch Balls Of Fury
with xiongzhi kaili yuanshen
edbert glen belle sarah shan yup i think thats all.
The movie was.... amusing. Haahahha ^^
Yup thts it then we went arcade for th rest of th day then took neoprints!
hahahah ^_____________^ then home-ed. ;D

once again.
HAPPY BURFDAY GF! <3333333333333
Yeah. you know you're my all.
Thanks for all th wonderful things you've done. Hahahaha.
Everything goes from now, it all depends on us
But I hope everyday turns out alryt yeah? ^^
Baobei Zhu! ;D

Monday 24 September 2007
♥ 07:12

shake off this stupid feeling and walk away like before.
I saw, okies?
Dont remind me /:
Of all those crazy things we did. All those siao times.
And so just shake off the stupid feeling.
And walk away. Like before.
Dont make me think so much.
This carefully laid web of thoughts.
Was to prevent me from my fall, get it? So you cant hurt me.
So I wont hurt. Now dont you dare tear me down,
cos you know I wont fall weak to your words again.
Never. Ever. Will. And. Never. Ever. Ever. Will. Even. Think. About. It. T.T

This sucks lah. +_(*&^%$!%&*()~!&*_)(*&^%!~
Thinking about all this makes me sick. seriously sick lah.
Its like, what the hell did I do?
I SWEAR. All tht happened btwn meand you was ONE BIG MISTAKE.
I shouldnt have known you. So you cant hurt me so bad.
You have absolutely NO IDEA how much I missed you since you left.
You have NO IDEA how I longed for the past.
You have NO IDEA how I wanted you dead.
Oh, no. You have absolutely. no. idea.
And I dont expect you to do so either. Cos you never look back.
Not even when I needed you to.
But its alryt.
I've learnt to let go of all the things you used to give.

Do you think you're being fair to me?
You never thought of how I felt, you just saw YOUR dellusions and your thinking.
You thoguht you knew but in fact you never did.
You thought you understood my feelings you thought you did.
But you didnt.
You only made me feel worse.
You know what? This wasnt my fault. You made the decision ryts?
You accepted it ryts? So WHY am I th one bearing all these shit?
Why am i th one? You people are ADULTS. You should know how to think.
So why push everything onto me?
Did I ask to be born? NO. Did I ask for this separation? NO.
Did I ask for you guys to do this? NO.
If I'd know, thn I rather I'm not born lah?!
Okies. Whatever. I wont care about all you childish people anymores.
So? I walk alone. I shall not heck your decisions.
As far as I see, all you adults' decisions only serve to bring more troubles.
More hurt. More Shit.
Why cant you people let me have a normal family like a normal kid?

I'm sorry Cheng.
I'm sorry... I 'm just...so sorry.
At a loss for words to say... but... I'll settle this when we're ready, alryts?


So you're not online.
When I finally ask myself to online you;re not here.
Thens nvm. Study hard.. jiayou!
PRAYS FOR YOU* You can do it de. You add oil ar! ^____^
I miss th shit outta you ):



imissmignon. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))):

Friday 21 September 2007
♥ 21:22

31 BONDED. one heart. (:
C'mon lemme hear you sing to the Gatsby Song! :
I......... can give you One Dee...
One Dee..... One Dee......
I ~ ... can give you One Dee..
One Deee... One Deeee ~

Ryts. ZOMG lahhhs ^^
Loves One-d 07! You all rocks. Or diamonds! ^^

Ytd aft school had no drama, so went to HO with Shan.
Kind of paiseh at first, but its alryt cos they werent practising.
They having Spring Cleaning, wahahaha. Yeah but I didt rly help lah, slacking.
Yups thn we slack after HO ended.
Its was cool lah, its like, th school seemed so empty, yet it was full of
people, but not in canteen, or whrevers.
Iyah dono how to describe.
Yup thns ard 4 we went to change at 3rd floor toilets cos our floor toilets
stink and humid like shit.
Thns went with our class der people to hall for th concert thingy.
At first was th singing competition.

2nd: I think 3d.
1st: 1E! [ I thought th b-boxing was cool. Hahahahaha. ]

Yup. Thn I think had dance item from dance, thn aft was some
performance from wushu, PRC scholars { i didnt like it} , some CD people.
& The Opera Sch's wushu item. Its th one I like most apart from th singing thing,
yup. I watch until my butt pain luhhhs T.T
Thn was th ultra un-meaningful opera thingy. o.0
Thn after tht, our class went to the outdoor area outside th canteen and ate our dinner.
Sucky lah! Its fried rice. Egg and ham and spring onion I think.
And they make us pay $2. Lol lar.
But nvm. Thn bought drink and finished some of my fried rice quote quickly cos I hungry.
Thn I was full quickly too, hahah. So I gave my fried rice to Jianyou.
Thn we all climbed up th slope and sat on the grass.
So sad, thr werent any stars. ):
But we sat thr, looking at th people below, looking at 85 tht side, thn me and Shan
super high. So we walked to the parade sq. and started running through back to the slopes.
Thn after resting awhile, we ran agains. The same route. I tellyous, we were high lah.
Yusp. Thn everybody finshed eating so we lighted lanterns outside the canteen.
Thn we all walked through the church and went to to the dnt side and stadium side.
Thn it was getting freaky as ghost stories etc blablablahhhhs went ard yeah and
it was dark luhhh T.T
Then we all decided to go to the field side, and we all walked to the netball court.
Formed a circle and sat down, everybody started high-ing.
We started doing cheers, thn wave, thn cheers and screams and highing,
thn we sang wo ke yi, elmo's song, thn umbrella, thn
th F-u-n Song. and alot alot more songs!
Lemme teach you (:

F is for friends you do stuff together and
U is for you and me..
N is for everything and anything at all,
right here in the deep blue sea.~~~

Yup I think that's its bah ^^

Thn we were uber high, thn after we ate mooncakes! Thn high again.
But time passes quickle while you're enjoying yourself and soon its time to go.
We were the last class to leave the field, thanks for the
one for all, all for one spirit! ^^
I love you one-dians. Thanks for being so high and uber enthu and also for
being so BONDED!
ONE-D IS LOVE. <33333333>

PASSERBYTHE2ND Hi. of course 10 lah ,lol? it aint fat. and btw, gp's are cute.
and go to hells. This aint th first time suckers tag w.out their name.

PRIS Erh.... you? Wahahahahaha ^^

%72;ANNA Sure. Wahahaha. Muffin, you too alryts! Loves (:

LG MEI Yups, you toos! ^^

EdBerT Okies, hi. (:

LILING(: HELLOS. yeah its me. Sad ~ ^^

GINNY[: Yeah, of course meih :D

%72;ANNA Of course! (:


BELLE Hey are you being silly? Of course we are.... NOT FRENS. but gf! :D

JIANYOU Nope, definitely not emo. Hahahaha. Okies ! (:

LG MEI Okies. Thanks ^^

PINGSHUANG Alryts, wahahahhaa ! (: No need sorrys, wahahaha. yeah, smilee! (:

RACHEL(: Yeah, you toos! ^^

Lalalalas. <3' cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" width="350" align="center" border="0">

Your Eyes Should Be Green

Your eyes reflect: Striking attractiveness and danger.

What's hidden behind your eyes: A vivid inner world

Your Inner Eye Color Is Brown

You're smart, thoughtful, and the ideal woman for most men, or women.

You are kind and easy to trust. People open up to you like no one else.

It's this inner warmness that attracts guys - and makes you an instant soulmate.

Oh wells. Am I really that different?

You Are 36% Emo

You're definitely not emo, but you do understand emo people a little. You are introspective, but not to the point of driving yourself crazy.

Oh alrights.(:

And this the most impt of all. :D

You Are 56% Happy
You're definitely a happy person, even though you have your down moments.
You tend to get the most out of life, though there's always some more happiness to be squeezed.

Oh well, at least I'm happy! (:

You Are Pretty Happy

You generally have a happy, fulfilling life.

But things could be a little better, and deep down, you know it.

Maybe you need more supportive friends or a more challenging career.

Something is preventing you from being totally happy. You just need to figure out what it is!

Oh, okays. ^^
You Are 61% Perfectionist
You are a true perfectionist. You are both demanding of yourself and others.
While it's great to have goals and standards, they don't need to be sky high!
Yeah. I think so too. Hahahaha.
You Are a "Wink"
What japanese smiley are you?
I'm a wink! Awww. Thats cute ^^
shall use that. wahahaha. (:
tatas people.(;
imy gp! studyhard. (^_-)

Thursday 20 September 2007
♥ 06:53

nobody's here and all alone.
Lalalas. Didt online-ed ytd cos had Common Test yup.
Thn I mugged like siao lah! As in, I rly rly studied very very hard luh.
So yup. Thn studied till 11 plus? Jiu slp. Thn liddat lohhhs. ^^

Today for art ryts, had to do a sculpture. Hence I decided to do GPGPGPGPGPGP!
Thn Mandy & Belle were extremely niceeeeeeeee!
They let me do, wahahaha. Its grp work mahh :X

Tmw is Mooncake Festival. Will be celebrating in sch, complusory.
Think should be fun or scary bah?
dono uhs. Wahahahahah :D
Having CCA T.T Thns I think thn change. Thn 6.30 to 8. plus is activity.
Thn shud reach home about 9 plus bah? Sound quite fun.
Oh wells. Might take pictures. Will post if have mood. Byebyes ~

je vous manque tellement.je fais vraiment vraiment .
pourriez-vous me viennent..et dites-moi que vous m'aimez aussi ? D:
You're very FUNNY sial . ^_____________6
Faster go study lah.(: If not you fail thns how? Wahahaha. Jiayou for EOYs! :D

kinship, frenship and relationship. MUCH MUCH more important.
& just as impt as you. ^____________^

Tuesday 18 September 2007
♥ 06:50

gawhs. ): imyimyimyimyimy!
DD today was alryt. At least it didnt suck, and tht was enough alr.
Tired .....
Yup thats all. ---

Here I am, online.
I dont know why I'm here, or even why I wanted to come online.
The reason is simple.
I wanted to come online just so to talk to you.
Its our only means of communication.
And after thinking about it, I rly dont care anymore.
This sucks.
You know what?
Actually.. I dont care if you were faking or not, I'm just glad you said tht to me,
real or fake, doesnt matter. Cos it wont happen again, I'm sure.
I suck lahhhhhhhhhhh. ):
Why am I so lagggg? Gawhs.
Missing you terribly. Can I shout across the comp?
GP, IMY! Or can I just call you, and scream your name?
I'm going crazy. Oh wells. Seems like I'm always going crazy.
But idk! I rly am. Serious. ):
Gwhhhhhhhhs. Bloody confusing. One min I dont, One min I do.
Mandy's ryt. I shouldnt have agreed in th first place. Its my fault all along.
But what can I do now? Scream my lungs out and ask for forgiveness?
Its no use. Nothing's of use. I aint any darn use even. D:
Haix. You know what?

Monday 17 September 2007
♥ 06:10

what goes around. comes around. ^^
gawhhhhhhs .
oh wells . Drama Day is tomorrow alr . And we totally screwed up
tech-runs and rehearsels today . I . AM . SO . SCREWED .
Cant believe it lah . The shitty-est rehearsels I ' ve had in my life , blahhhhs !
I clean forgot my cues and most lines and thn
I had trouble slinging the stupid mic around my kuku ears . o.0
Bloody hells lah. Get ready to see me cock up lurhhhhs.
Gawhhhhhs. I hate myself T.T
WAHHHHHHH ~ Just pray hard tmw everything turns out fine.
OR else, I go commit jisatsu lahhhhhh ): Will be so awfully paiseh de lorhhhs!
Gawhhhhhhs. Iyah. Whatever luh. Just act everything out thn bloody dont care le luhh ..
Oh wells. I was never a good actor in th first place anyway. Mwahahahah.
Okies. Tell you all. Tmr I am a very very angry and frustrated
and irritated person.So I scold alot in the play.Ok maybe not alot. But I scold. ^^
And tell you guys beforehand.
The last part right.. (in case you dont understand lah) when we twirl ard
and run around ryttttts... is sending them back to th present . I know its spastic lah.
But please please dont laugh omg omg omg omg because ryt...
we rly had no idea liao.... T.T
Yeahhhh so its th best we could come out with... BETTER THN WAVING WAND RIGHT!
Oh wells. Who cares lah. You laugh thn you laugh lah. Cant bother liewwwww ~ T.T
I seriously look retarded in th play so.. just dont find me. :X
Gawhhhhhhs. Very nervous lah. Cos if we screw DD, thn we dont have Drama Night.
Which I THINK th seniors want. Oh wells. See first luh.
The DECISION lies in your hands. Cos thcers say if response good thn have.
Nt good dont have. Gawh.
DONT LAUGH AT ME ): wahahahaha. ^________^
Jiayou NDC people and DD people, and all th other people like our
wonderful Xinwei and Yunxuan who have been working on the music and lighting
and our super hardworking director EUGENIA! and EUNICE and ADELINE.
& everybody yup. Yes of course. AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU AND YOU!
Wahahahahaha. (:

Oh wells. Since you've say tht its alryt, I'll say nothing else alr.
Because I know we'll be alryt. Cos everything'll turn out okay.
Thanks for all th wonderful words you use to say to me.
Sometimes I wish you wont walk away. At others, I feel we should turn and say bye.
Im crazy, I know. Thats why I said, let's just be friends. cos friends arent complicatd.
You wont hurt, and neither will I. Ryts, Cheng? (: You silly person.
I wont say you're a loser cos you arnt, not a retard too ( hohoho!) .
So you're unique! You're a cheng-tard. Get it?
Wahahahaha. Yeah. You are such a chengtard man. ^__________^

Waiting for you to come online ~
Listening to 西界 & 不流泪的机场 reminds me of you.

Wahahahaha. You silly piece of GPH! wahahahaha (:


Saturday 15 September 2007
♥ 05:58

wasnt. wasnt. wasnt.

If my heart had a face, it'd be smiling.
& Its all because of you. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
人在失去后才懂得珍惜 Y
Cherish what you have before they're gone, you never know

when someone you care for will leave you.


I never saw this day coming and even if I had, I'm at a loss for words.
I know I was wrong to say all those things, I'm sick of saying sorry
to try to help you ease th pain, I'm tired of smiling and pretending to be happy
when I aint, its all a mask tht I put everyday
Your every message.
Your every call.
Your every word.
Its driving me up th wall
I cant lie to myself anymore
This had to stop before it gets out of control.
& today, we say goodbye.
sorry. it wasnt your fault. it was mine all along.
One month.

& Now I've gone and done this thing I've been afraid to, it dont matter
cos I'm fine now, everything's gonna be alryt, my friend. ;D
Wasnt it btr this way all th while? ^_________^
I wont pretend it didt happen, nor will I think it wasnt impt.
All tht's left was fond memories we had, 我不会忘记. Its alryt now. (:

If you say its none of my business, thn its none of mine thn.
I cant say anything ryts?
Jux find it so difficult to talk to you nowadays, like thr's this wall btwn us.
I cant find th words anymore. But nothing can be done abt it.
If you dont wish to talk to me thn I wont toos.
I'd wait till you start th conversation thns, I could've been saying th wrong things.
Sigh. Why make things so difficult?
Gods. Whatever.

I dont know you anymore.

Dont know if it had been a wrong decision from th start,
it simply'd started out with a dream, so will it just end with a dream too?

All I know was tht couldnt help myself and I cant think straight.
Maybe I was being foolish all along to had believe that a miracle could've happened.
But now as you think of it, it wasnt meant to be all along.
You were mine to dream of but was thr a ending to dreaming?
Dreams dont happen in reality. I was just being stupid. ):

My world was filled with black and white, till you came along and taught me
all th wonderful lessons of my life but you didnt know it and thats
what made things so wonderful.Bit by bit life opened up and filled up
with every colour of th rainbow as my biggest wish was coming true.

I was finally able to see a rainbow.. and all th happiness tht came with. :D:D:D


Wednesday 12 September 2007
♥ 07:16

sighs. D;
I'm talking to you, yet I'm feeling all empty inside?
Idk, idk, idk. Missing you sucks.

I wish Cheng would call me and say his lame jokes. Even if they are retarded.
They still are funny though. ):

And as I said those words, you never gave me a reply again.

Sigh. Dont know how to describe. Wasting th last minutes away before everything ends.
gawhhhhhs.I MISS MR. GUINEA PIG. like siaozannnn ):


♥ 05:07

Nope. Not MIA-ing for moodswing.
For those freaking EXAMS.

Ohwells. Actually. I dont rly give a damn to my exams.
Alryt I do. About th results I mean. But if I continue MSN-ing and Friendster-ing
and blogging I tell you, I will certainly fail everything. SERIOUS!
So I figured, I'd rather sacrifice myself,for two weeks, just two weeks, and
study my ass out till 8,9,10 th Oct. And everything's over! Wahahas.

Just received my exam schedule today and here goes:
Mon (8/10) --- Geography & HCL Paper 2.
Tue (9/10) --- Science & EL Paper 2.
Wed (10/10) -- Maths.

And no more! :D:D:D
So I'm telling you all, I will be offline-ed till then. ):
But very hua2 suan4 rights? Two weeks, then two months of freedom if I get well.
Which I guess I will if I study these two weeks lahhhhs.
Yup. I am guai der lorhs.
wahahahahha ^______^
And also when I come back, most likely changing layout bahhs?
Kind of sick of this one though.
And yup. Today I shall reply all your tags! Thanks ferh tagging all these while !

LG MEI Okies! You too, tkcares and gdluck for PSLE! loves -- ^^
to anonymous Okies, thanks! (:
LG MEIH Wahahas, no prob lehhhs. :D
BELLE Okies thanks girlfennnnn ^^
GLEN HIIIIE YO. :D okok lorhhs, why lehhs?
&&` -MANDY(: Yeah you retarded! Okies joking wahahas. ^__^
&&` -MANDY(: Lol, thanks uh. You lagger lorh. wahahas.
%72; ANNA MUFFINNNNNNN! wahahahs. ehhs! funny lorh can. crazy night! (:
and I am not a zihigh-whatever pig okayyes! yup I know you miss me mwahaha.
erh.i free i msg you! (: loves!
GLEN Okies lahhs,thanks eh (:
RACHEL Yah lorhhs. sad ryts. sob. ):
SHAN :]] Argh, so scared ==" wahahas. jiayou for? :D
PINGSHUANG HELLOYOU! wahahas. eh sry ferh sat, and mon, and wed yup?
(: sryyyyyyy wahahahs. tkcares, loves!
PASSERBYY Wlaos. Who th hell are you? Why you effing care lehh?
And if you dont write your bloody name, I aint answering your
bloody qstn. ==" zzzzzzzzzzz.

Tired of all these nameless passerbys.
If you want to ask me qstn at least write your name ryts. Diao one luhhhs.
Simply'd dont care liaos. & Yea, keep th tags coming yup!
Thanks for everybody who's been tagging me so far, love y'all! (:
wahahas. Thats all. (: Bye all you lovely people! Will misss online. :D:D
And you and you and you and you and you. ^___^

Its okay. Whatever lorhs. So what sial (:
Even if I not part of it, I dont freaking wish to cos you're in it, get it?
B.I.T.C.H. ==" mwahaha.

Waiting for you to come online , wahahas. maybe not today, not tomorrow
but someday, I'm sure I'd be able to see you. I HOPE (:
dreams will be filled with you
thoughts will be filled with you
words will be filled with you
everything and anything will be all about you
my dear mr. guinea pig wahahaha. ^___^
uber cute der lorhhhs can! heex. sweet yet sour. haha.
your face fading away
your voice draining away
help. need you here. :D
i rly rly rly miss you aites, ---

Monday 10 September 2007
♥ 06:27

nothing at all.
Holidays have come and gone & i've nth much to talk about.
What its left me is a pile of mess to sort out and hopefully a miracle
will appear before me and make it all vanish, :X
Its not just what happened today, today is not even 10% compared
to this hell I'm trying to think out.

I dont need you to ask me what's wrong, dont need you to ask me what's going on.
I dont want you to think tht I need you alot alot, in fact I do a little
but I dont want you to know.
You dont even understand 70% of what I want, how can you say th three words --
I cant see you in a different light, I cant give you what you want.
How could I have force myself?
I cant see what is wrong, I cant even see what is right
I dont know what th hell is going on and I dont know how to react.
Sometimes, I wish I didnt give such a damn to your feelings.
What about mine? Have you considered mine? Have you ever thought?
You only saw your pain, you didnt know how bad I was feeling.
You thought you were suffering but you didnt see how many times worse I was.
Please. Just dont do this. Its btr th other way. We can go back like we use to.
Do things like we use to. Be happy like we use to.
Why did you have go and make things so complicated?

I cant take my eyes off and I dont know why.
Maybe its this thats making me cry.
Today is like th nightmare of yesterday's dream, I dont know what happened
but this is not it I want.

DONT MSG ME COS YOU FEEL LIKE YOU SHOULD.like if someone just asked you to.
get it? sighs. ):

*Smashes th phone against th wall. *
Gawhhhhhhhhhs. Tiredtiredtired.
Iyahhhh. I'm not gonna care anymore.
whatever, whatever, whatever.
Not gonna care whatever shit thing erhhhhhs.
Imissyoo. Like crazayyyyyyyyyyye. D:

Tuesday 4 September 2007
♥ 05:42

dont know why, hoho!
today drumming okies lar.
I liked th dancers wakakakas.
Then came back school do th PW thing.
And ate! Then homed.
Slack, eat dinner, bathe. Online-ed (:
Lalalala seriously very high now.
Wakakakas. You lar Cheng Kai Hao!
Stupid larhhhs you ^^
Go to die, dont like you, go away. Suan like siao. :X
Erhhh. You stupid chicken baboon ass pigu monkey duck gong baichi!

Lalalala. Goodlucks ferh tmw ! :D:D

Its alrytt. 2nd best is BEST in my heart ald. choochoo,wakakkas.
Lalala. lalalas. at least show me you alive lah, stupid baichi <3'

&& you. Dont like this lahhhs. Dont sad okies?
You can find your phone back de lahhs, dont worry. A person with
such a good heart will be rewarded.Ok enough of all that crap. Okies.
Just keep believing alrytts? PRAY FOR YOU LIKE SIAOZANNNN ^^
Damn th person who took your phone! Gawhhhhs. ):L * Boxes th guy up*
I care der orhhhs! Hehehe. CRAZY NIGHT! ^___________^
* RETARDED FACE :X* dont sad kays? You'll find your phone soon der. (:

Friday 31 August 2007
♥ 05:08

yeah. and so what? (:
Tmr is Tcher's day.
Lols. But tmr is Saturday && I have to go for drumming.
Considering going for anthr movie lahhhs.
I think Bourne Ultimatum will be nice tho. Wakakas.

Okays. Our Tcher Day celebration totally sucked lar.
Dont wish to talk much on it cos its just a bunch of crap lahhs.
But th Be Yourself day was fun lahhs. I wish everyday was Be Yourself Day.
Thn our class can get more bonded. And we can decide on a diferent theme,
like we can make a uniformed-grp day of sth. Or even a pink day or a black day or a purple day.
Or even orange or blue or white or yellow for tht matter.
Hahaha. That would be so cool. A class to dress up differently but coordinate-ly everyday.
Hahaha. Yups. So today jiu went back TPS lor. Not much, but after tht
went to watch Evan Almighty with PeiKheng and Ginny my meimeih!
Evan Almighty was rather alright and I find it funny haha.
Yup so after watching it we went to walk around TM aimlessly. Then we jiu went to
basement and bought sushi! Hahaha. Ate ler, and we still hungry!
So we went to buy Famous Amos cookies.
Then me and PK walked home tgt and I rem I forgot to bring my keys.
So I took 292 to 288 and got keys frm my mom who was at my granma hse.
So I took 292 back again. Then ate my dinner and here I am posting. (:
I'm feeling rather bored. So here are some quizzes. :D:D

1) Single,taken,naked or flirting?
Um, none of the above. Dying.
2)Are you happy with that?
Erh. I have no idea.
3)Have you ever had your heart broken?
Um. Yeah.
4)Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
No lah. Of course not. I want th cold hard truth.
5)Have you ever talked about marriage with another person?
Not rly...
6)Do you want children?
How I know? o.0
7)How many?
I alr say idk lahhhhh!
8)Would you consider adorption?
Wth is tht? Adoption? No. Abortion? No.
9)If someone liked you now,would you want them to tell you?
Erh :X You say leh? You want tell jiu tell lor. Dont want then dowant lar.
Not my prob rly. =="
10)Do you want someone you can't have?
How I know?
11)Have you fallen in love?
I think a obssesion or whatever will be more suitable.
12)Do you believe in celebrating anniversaries?
For example?
13)Do you believe that you can change for someone?
Depends who th person is. I will change according to my own will.
But I wont change if that person asks me to. Unless tht person mean a lot to me.
14)Is it a good day?
Erh. Not rly leh.
15)Have you ever broken a heart before?
16)Does your ex still have feelings for you?
Seriously lah. IDK!
17)Do you still have feelings for him?
Who? . o.0 ...

And from LG Meih's blog.

1. the person who tagged you ( who ask you to do this quiz) is …
- LG meih.

2. your relationship with him/her is …
- jieh and meih.

3. your 5 impressions of him/her..
-. She is very hardworking, helpful, cheerful, enthu, and loyal.

4. the most memorable thing he/she had done for you…
- Comforting me when I rly couldn’t get a grip.

5. the most memorable words he/she had said to you
- um. Tht YAY rocks and all th little things. :D

6. if he/she becomes your lover, you will..
- die. We are not les lar.

7. if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be…

8. if he/she becomes your enemy, you will…
- um. walk away? But don’t worry. We nvr will be. :D

9. if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be …
- none!

10. the thing you want to do for him/her now is …
- her happiness.

11. your overall impression of him/her is …
- wonderful.

12. how you think people around you will feel about you?
- as a piece of shit.

13. the character you love of yourself is …
- attitude.

14. on the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are …
- everything else.

15. the most ideal person you want to be is …
- I know. But its for me to know and you to find out.

16.for people that care and like you, say something to them ..
- ily all! (:

17.pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you
1. belle!
2. mandy!
3. Priscilla!
4. Rachel chua!
5. weishan!
6. Lg meih!
7. Erhems.*
8. Xiao Ting!
9. Ginny!
10. jianyou?

1] who is no.6 having relationship with (lg meih) ?

-how i know?

2] Is no.9 a male or female ( ginny )?


3] If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing( erhem and jianyou )?

- Um no. They arnt gay. And besides… D:

4] How about no.8 and 5( weishan and xiaoting )?

- No, they arnt les too.

5] What is no.2 studying about(mandy)?

- don’t know? Stars maybe!

6] where was the last time you had a chat with no.3( Priscilla)?

- um. In th class?

7] What kind of music band does no.8 like(xiaoting)?

- um. 樱桃帮

8] Does no.1 has any siblings ( belle)?
- Yes.

9]Will you woo no.3( Priscilla)?

- No! I am not a les.

10] How about no.6(lg meih)?

- NO!

11]Is no.4 single(Rachel chua)?

-Lol. ==”

12] What’s the surname of no.5(weishan)?

- Koh.

13] What’s the name of no.10(jianyou)?

- jianyou lor.

15] What’s the hobby of no.4( Rachel chua)?

- singing.
16] Do no.5 and 9 get along well(weishan and ginny)?

- they dontknow each other lar.

17] Where is no.2 studying at(mandy)?

- AHS lar.

18] Talk something casually about no.1(belle)

- She’s a very nice gf! :D

19] Have you tried developing feelings for no.8( xiaoting)?


20] Where does no.9 live at(ginny)?

- simei.

21] What color does no.4 like(rachel chua)?

- every color of th rainbow.

22] Are no.5 and 1 best friends(belle and weishan)?

- not exactly.

23] How do you get to know no.2(mandy)?

- in sch lar.

24] Does no.1 have any pets(belle)?


25] Is no.6 the sexiest person in the world( lg meih)?

- probably!

Thats all .(:
WHATEVER, LOSER. :D:D I'm th best, like HA.HA.HA. ^^

I dont want you to know about me. I dont want you to comfort me.
I dont want you to ask me what's gone wrong.
Because, you dont know how to tell me what's wrong from what's right,
I dont want you to think about my problems when you have your own.
You're sweet, I'm serious.
I dont intend to tell you anymore of my problem. I dont need you to worry for me.
I can be on my own, I will be thr for myself.
Dont do this. Dont.

Hey, tell me when you're ready. Game on, I'll be waiting. <33'

Tuesday 28 August 2007
♥ 05:35

you're like, so whatever. ^^
Your words are rly,rly funny.
Not for th lack of trying though, but I seriously find your
kinda attitude very,very lame,spastic,retard.
What wrong with healthy suggestions? And fyi, I dont oppose on purpose.
Its cos we have different opinions. &&,
Why would I even waste my time, effort trying to convey a message to people
who simply dont have a big-enough heart to take criticism?
But anyway, since you cant take it, fine by me. I've met so many people of your
type,I've lost count. They go by th name of.... well, you've used it so many times in your
speech, you'll know what I mean.Hahaha.

'Oh. And I think you're too humji to even put my name down.
Seriously. Not to insult you. but mind your words. I dont like tht attitude.
If thats what you call it. I.dont.give.a.damn.to.your.feelings.
Get that in your small heart yup? Hahaha.
Simi lai eh? Whats with all that nice-nice-angel talk.
Cut th crap cos you aint tht kinda person know. =="
You want to say me, say it to my face, dont hide it somewhr you think I dont know.
Wake up. This is th real world. This is me. I dont give a ass shit to all that junk.
I listen to words. Cold hard words. Not soft cottony talk. Get it?
If you dont know how to talk properly, then dont. dont at all. (:
Connasse. ^_^

Sunday 26 August 2007
♥ 00:35

please dont walk away again. --
Hello all! Posting because I am bored and have nth to do. :X
Yup. Lalala.

There was no CCA yup and we went to 85. Cabbed to Simei and took a train to PR.
Eat, slacked. Went WS's house soonafter and played com. Reached home ard 7?
Yup. Slept quite early, had stupid big walk on sat.

Big Walk. Lame de lahhhs. Walkwalkwalk, reached Fengshan CC.
Some prize-giving thr, and ended at 9 plus. Walked along with Glen, Yuanshen,
Kaili Dickson XiongZhi Xinyou Jianyou.
They ate at Bedok and th rest of us went to PR.
Ate Macs with WS, Yuanshen and Xinyou.
Then we got so bored luhhs.After they left.
Walked ard and bought th two boxes I needed and went to PRCLibrary to fix it up.
Finish liao, train-ed home and bathed, headed to TanjongPagar soon after.
Yupps. Ended ard 9 plus. Went home. bathed, flop and sleep.
Nxt week dont have to go alr. Song boh. Okies. Thats all.

{Tag Replied.}

CARO SRY i dont link. (:
GLEN Okies. Though, I was never emo. mwahaha. Thanks anw.
-MANDY Hahaha, jealous? joking (: not extra-ded la you. :X thanks lor!
JIANYOU Haha, tkcare too yo. No it dont rock when you're having it haha.
gdluck with PSCS3 yup? :D
LG MEI Hehe, alryt now ler. Sad.. jiayou for exam yup.
GLEN Yup you too. (:
RACHEL(: Eh no such thing what dont like see you here. talk crap! haha, tkcares too!
SANAE WHAT H2O? haha. you ar, must socialze more leh. ONLY-SUN.? ahahaha.
-MANDY YOU DONT GET LIKE, 60% OF WHAT I SAY YUP. haha, not from th lack
of trying to though. nxt time, i explain again :X mwahaha.
/&MANDAY I know you did ==" haha(: loves!
YUSHAN Hello you! My STB! Hahah tkcares ar you. loves.
/&MANDAY Haha, half only. Half. Yes and rem, a star, a star, and SHINY STAR wakaka.
LG MEI Haha, nvm i will come back on tchers day you can see me! gods, miss you like shit.
hoho, tkcares yo.^^
GINNY.} Hhaha. yup, but i like random. hmm, why lehhs? why you say so. (:
R0NGX` Hellos! Thansk ferh th tag, and tkcares too! :D:D
PASSER-BYE Hi.Pls tag with your name nxt time, I dont entertain nameless people.
Thanks for th compliment anyway!
/&MANDAY Okies. I did! (:
SHAN Haha, lol eh. but nvm lar. haha, tkcares sotong!
GINNY.} SORYY UHHHHH. Heex, my phone got prob. (: tkcares.
SHAN Hi I boo you back. * So scared! haha. lol. (:
PASSINGBY Tag with yr name nxt time, I dont entertain nameless peepo.
Um, PR stands for Pasir Ris, WS can stand for Wei Shan or White Sands.
Thanks for th compliment, but I dont do skins public. And i dont hav BS acc.

I just want to tell you that, I'm truly sorry for what I said
in th msg th other time, sorry for those words.
Now I realise, you're th only person who truly understands what I am trying to do
and you're th only one who actually appreciate.
Please dont walk away from me again, but can we be just friends like we use to?

All I needed was your acknowledgement, please dont treat me like I dont exist can?
Your actions HURT. Really did hurt. Forget it. Sua lah.
Say also got no use. So what's th point. Gdluck for you. You good. --

& waiting for you to come online..
I know you live right here, in my heart. :D:D <3333' --
Gdluck for nationals.

Tuesday 21 August 2007
♥ 07:11

do you know? :D
Havent been posting these few days of a few certain reasons

1.I am lazy.
2. No time.
3. Nth post about.

But no matter, shall post today.

Today me, Shan and Rach went to SECRETseven and realise it was locked.
And so we were like.. okies. Nvm lor!
Still rem th 2nd time I went thr.. was with Shan.. and when we came out frm th back
realise almost all th doors were locked!
My heart was beating damn damn damn fast and I was thinking,
could we be trapped here? Lol and th only thought was tht and another one
haha. regards to DBC de lahhhhh okok nvm.
Yups so in th end we found a single door tht was open and th minute we got out
I was breathing normally again :X

So today was a little scared because I was scared of th same thing but nvm.
Realise th upper gates were locked so we left our marks thr and will wait for another chance.
Till, then th SECRET"/ stays with us. :D

Yups. Today assembly was kinda lame but.. haha. (:
Lessons were mostly held in th labs IDK why! lol, but I like it cos I get to type things.
Hahaha, thingayyyyyes.
Ok nvmmmmm!
Slack today awayyyyy.

After school, went to WS ( nt weishan its white sands!) yup and ate our lunch thr.
Rachel I just wanna tell you we actually made peace and I'm sure we're not gonna
quarrel with him le. I hope. Hahaha. Anyways, we chatted to around 5!
Hahaha. Then he went home, and me and Shan went to th area arnd 500 + ?
I know I've been to Pasir Ris but I've nber been to their housing areas and I tell you.
Though th 500 + side is rly rly close to WS, its damn home-y and then you get th feeling
like its rly your house! Hahaa. Me and Shan were like, just randomly walking ard
and we walked through almost every floor of a certain floor.
Idk how to describe but um it felt good. Hahahaha!

Okies so yup.We took some photos thr and I think I liked th place.
I randomly shouted somebody's name, haha. But nvm.
We chatted ard th paygrnd area and went back to PR MRT and trained home.
Whr I saw Joelle! Hahahaha. Walked tgt and I realise I needed to buy sth from
petrol station cos I'm lazy to go 7-eleven so she went to 161 and I walked th other side.

Yup I think tht's about it!
My life is just a piece of drama that is played over and over
saying the same lines playing th same character but what makes it worthwhile
is cos you are th director, th actor and th climax.(:

I'm sorry. I cant accept this fact, I dont get it, get it?
I regret letting you comfort me, I didnt know you will react this way
Sorry to say, I wasnt expecting it, blame it on me, whatever
but you're not th one, you understand?
Talk about hurt but what th hell just stop this nonsense and go away.
Hurt or not, I didnt ask for it actually so what the hell?!
Dont cry over this cos it aint worth, you obviously deserve better.
Sorry lah!
Cant you see tht I'm avoiding? Cant you see all my msgs are just one-word replied?
Dont you get it? So can you please please go away? And stop making me feel all bad?
Because seriously, I didnt ask for it, I didnt do anything and SAD TO SAY
I dont want it! One week. One week.
Gods. One week has nber felt this long before. D:

And you. Can you stop all th staring? I dont like it
It feels like this ghost at th back of me you get it?
YOU ARE A GAY and gays arnt straight, get it?
SO as for you, you are one big no, so get th eff up your head and go away!
what th eff is wrong with you? effing freak/
Lol! I dont want it, take it away man.Diao, spastico.
All th acting DOES NOT IMPRESS so like what th eff
go and get some effing common sense cmon it dont effing work so can you
PLEASE EFF OFF whats your effing disgusting piece of effing ass problem?!

' (: You lahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs,
Hahahaha. Do you know? :D
Hehe. Idk what to say, but then again. They are said in my heart,
so there is no need to say them again. Do you hear them? :D:D


Thursday 16 August 2007
♥ 06:23

thank you! :DDDDDDDDD
You ar. Appearing offline is it?
Hahahaha :D:D
Nbermind luhhs. Thanks ferh making my day.
" When you ask, you get."
Now I believe <3333333333333333333"

Hahahahs. Today went to TM with Shan. Just ate lor.
Then Yamaha. Then got home ard um 6 I guess?
7 th MONTH. Scarayyyyyyye ~

Today is our #7 secret.
We're planning to go tmr agains. I hope'd!
I love tht balconyyyy omgomgomg. So coooool can?
All of a sudden, I'm glad we came to our school.
But now I think th sec 4 seniors think we're ghosts.
Cos its supposedly locked or sth!
Hahahaha. I <333333333333333 ***
hahaha. But it was serious;y creepy along th way luh.
I love it all th same (:

Thank you so much. Rly. Thank you :D:D

Tuesday 14 August 2007
♥ 06:24

i am sick of this!
Today, went to PasirRis library with Shan.
Yupps. Until I want sleep cans. Hahaha.
So jiu went home ard 6 lor?
Sian mahhh. So I play piano awhile.
Cant believe lahhs. But Maraige D'amour is actually nice.
Okies. Yup. Thats all ferh today.
Wish me gdluckkkkkkkkkk. ORAL =="

I rly dont understand what is wrong.
Why wont you just give me a reply? A well-wishing could have been replied
rather easily, like you do all your friends even if they dont give you one.
& I dont want to wait, brb brb brb. It's frustrating! YOU, A MAN, YOU, A MAN.
Its driving me nuts.
Lemme bang into a wall and die.
I'm so so so so so sick of everything luhhhhh.
" Ask and you will get."
What? I've been asking like, 198y5874475847 times before.
SICKSICKSICK. rahhhhhhhhhs.
When you say brb, means bye i dont want to talk to yupp piss off.
Is tht what you mean? I dont mean to be sarcastic but you wont see this anyway
so like, what the hell I dont give a damn but I do! AAAAAAAHHHHH-------
Rly. Just let me bang into a wall and die. =="
Just let me know with a simple word or anything. That you're alive and you know
I am too. Okies?
Seriously. I cant take this anymore.
I cant hate you the way I want to yet I cant think the way I wished I was.
25 words. Oh how I hate those 25 words. D:

Sunday 12 August 2007
♥ 07:10

so tireddddddddd.*
I realised, no matter what I'd try,
it dont work. Cos I know, th man will be th man.
Who is always th man. Who will be your love.
If you dont get it, you cant get any more stupider than this.
Sigh. Just let me die alreadyyyyyyyyy :X
Gods. I miss you lah. D:

Why dont them dreams work out in reality? D:

You have forgotten me. But I will help you to remember.
I hope.

Friday 10 August 2007
♥ 06:25

After all this while.--
I AM SICK. =="
Having a bloody temperature. Flu.
Rahhhhhhhhhhhhs. Feel very sick luh.
ZOMG. But I will still blog. Because, thats why.

Hot like shit luhh. But it was alright narhs.
The tree-planting was rather lame tho. =="
Dismiss at 9/10 plus? Didt went back pri.sch. Things happen luh.
Yupps. Then went to watch SECRET with Shan. It was rly nice luh.
Hahah. && my seat was #7. Yupps. Okies.
Thens.. I forgot le. STM lahhhhh. ;D

Took a bus from Harborfront. All th way to our resort at Amara.
Then checked in. Spent th day at Sentosa. Yupps.
Then bathed. Then I flopped and slept. :D
Woke up ard 12 plus? Showered and went swimming!
Haha. The Sky Pool veh cool luhhh cans?
Hahaha. Thens went back to resort. Cleared up.
Then checked out and went Vivo. Lunched thr, and lugged everything
to th taxi-stand. Luckily, a taxi-uncle wanted to go to Tamp so we
got on th taxi and back home. Very tired luhhhs.
But I'm sick. Yupps.
So went to doctor after clearing up and bought medicine.
I'm suppose to be resting now actually, but I dont give a damn really.
Nothing is worth a damn, know? D:

& I rly rly hope, th class chalet'd turn out alright.(:

Because I cared, because I hoped, because I prayed.
Everything I did, with my heart and soul, anything you did
was part of me and so, all I ever did was wish you'd say a word to me.
All I ever did was wait for your happiness.
With your hearts interlocked now I know, that was th last time,
I'd ever speak to you. Th last time, I'd ever thought tht finally,
thr was hope. Th last time. My last time.
& All this while, I was praying for a miracle. But forget it.
I cant stop thinking about you, th man, you, th man, you, th man.
I cant stop myself, I'm sorry. I just cant stop thinking about it.
I'm sorry. For the very last time, I'm sorry.--
But I just cant stop missing you. I cant stop th tears. I'm sorry. Rly.

Sunday 5 August 2007
♥ 06:24

My 2.4 at East Coast sucked luhhhhhhhhhhh.
I got like what, 139?
okayokayes, forget it. I was nber good at running anyway.
Not like a certain man.
Suan ler bah. No use trying.
okies! Hahahah. Hai hao lar.
Did th acc thingy at Pris house.
Veh fun can! Laughed like mad asses.

Got my new specs today. Made me look like, SO KUKU CAN :X
But then again, th shape's wiredly peculiar. Ok luhh, i think.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I am still waiting for you to come back you back anotttttts,
iyoyoyoyooyoyoyoyo. But actually. I said I'll wait forever, no matter what. (:

To be with th man might be your greatest dream, but
simply'd talking to you, 就是我最大的梦想.
"And they lived, happily ever after."
The end. (:

{ Tags replied!}
-MANDY Something :D
LG MEI Yes, thats right! (: we happy tgt. (:
PRIS Yupps, he'll be darn gay. But too sad, its mr tan now.
jolly tan>< Lame with a capital L.
GLEN IM NOT. OK. hahah. What hurts me? (>oo<)
HANAFUBUKI No lar, hehe/.Thnk you! (: Lucky you then. ^^
LG MEI Its okok lar. (: Yupps, very delicioussssss X)
BELLAYYY Hhahah hope you dont mind me calling you tht.
But anways. SO sad, he didnt. But then. okok lar.
Urmx. Got abit un-realistic. hahah.
PINGSHUANG Yes. Okayyyyyyyyyyyyy ^^

Alryttttts. Thanks for tagging all this while.
Rly love you all. (:

& Just because, I will. --

Spams will be dlt. Thanks for tagging yo! <3333'

Say Goodbye;
♥ Happiness :D
♥ Happe Ending. ): ♥ W810i or W850i Black/White [:
♥ b&W tops/bottoms.
♥ Purple & Black Myuk Wallet (:
♥ New bag <333
♥ Dye my hair brown o.0
♥ Converse jersey pants/bball ! :D
♥ A Happy Birthday. ;D
Is this far too demanding ?

BloggerArchives> <$BlogArchiveName$>


. Music, crapping,slacking.
Purple, black, white. :D
I'm stupid,I'm lazy, I'm weird!
I love everyone who love me :D
Hover Y Y
I will be there.--
visits since 10 Apr 07'